Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Why A Wonder Woman Movie will work now!

Hi everybody!
Today we'll be talking about (1) the objectifying of bad boy behavior, then (2) the testosterone driven action movies of the 80's and last (3) the few and the proud female action flicks that have struck paydirt!
This will demonstrate how there has never been a better time to deliver the WONDER WOMAN movie, woo woo!
The rise of Madonna as the sex toy of the 80s explains why so many nerds were rolling like pimps on the big screen. First there was (1A) NIGHT SHIFT, which found Michael Keaton running a prostitution ring out of the city morgue.
Next, there was (1B) RISKY BUSINESS, which found Tom Cruise having a one night hooker hootenanny while his parents were away.
Lastly, there was (1C) FERRIS BUELLER'S DAY OFF (the apex of the recently departed writer/director John Hughes' movies), which found Matthew Broderick skipping class with the delightful Mia Sara in her skivvies in a jacuzzi. (If that's not Big Pimpin', then nothin' is!)
RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK (2A) had an astonishing opening scene with barbed spikes coming out of the cold stone walls, huge boulders rolling down narrow corridors, poisoned arrows flying in a flurry, much too many spiders, gaping chasms forded by a grizzled adventurer using his whip as a swing, and ancient treasures snatched away by base treachery. It was an uncanny blend of thrills and character development, guaranteeing that Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones would be back on the big screen.
THE MATRIX (2B) showed how a faceless cubicle drone was transformed into a messianic warrior who could dodge a hail of bullets in a black dusker while wearing the coolest sunglasses ever. With pinpoint special effects turning a bland office building into a modern Gunfight at the O.K. Corral, Keanu Reeves as Neo became an iconic cyberpunk hero who deserved additional screen time.
DIE HARD (2C) promised 50 floors of excitement and delivered it more efficiently than the TOWERING INFERNO. With a bank thief (career-best performance by Alan Rickman) pretending to be a terrorist, the movie enjoyed a terrific 2nd act twist. But the enduring legacy is the creation of a hard luck urban hero as the weeble who wobbles but who won't fall down. The underrated Bruce Willis as John McClane basically gave a performance into a walkie-talkie, and when he ran barefoot across broken glass worldwide audiences knew that they had found the unlikeliest Alpha Male of the 80's. Yippee kay yay, indeed!
The most successful action heroine franchise began as the space horror flick ALIEN (3A) - where no one could hear you scream. Director/writer James Cameron; fresh off of TERMINATOR; decided to give Ripley a brand new crew and a whole hive of ALIENS - this time it's war. Ripley became a reluctant leader against a vicious enemy. With big guns and a New Jersey attitude, Sigourney Weaver swaggered her lithe frame around that space ship like a samurai warrior. It was like watching Mary Poppins go ghetto and pick up an AK47, and it worked like gangbusters (or GHOSTBUSTERS: who do you call?). Weaver received a well-deserved Oscar nomination for her efforts and spawned 2 more sequels.
Less successful (but still fun) was LARA CROFT: TOMB RAIDER (3B) with a plot that even a gamer would be hard-pressed to understand. Croft is a freelance archeologist without a strong personal motivation, so all of her elaborate exertions became less compelling the longer the movie soldiers on. Supporting Oscar winner Angelina Jolie was better utilized in the notorious MR. AND MRS. SMITH and the provocative WANTED, but her two TOMB RAIDERS remain the last big budget attempt at a female driven action franchise.
We no longer need to send women into deep space or down an archeological dig for them to act heroically. Women can save the contemporary, modern world just like a man. However, we need to start with the Cadillac, the Cartier, the pink champagne of heroines to get on the good foot.
Without WONDER WOMAN, every superheroine would be either a girlfriend or an also-ran. WONDER WOMAN stands alone in an ocean of wannabes. WONDER WOMAN will not be ignored, overlooked or avoided. It is our patriotic duty to make a WONDER WOMAN movie!
Tomorrow, more good stuff! Be good!

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