Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Diane Nelson: An Open Letter II

Hello Diane Nelson (and everybody)!
How do we market the Wonder Woman Project?
Pedal to the metal, starting with Walmart!
Our Wonder Woman Project partnership with Walmart is based upon their unequaled distribution system, their unrivaled value and their wide demographic appeal. Our products will be based on school supplies (a year-round market), various-and-sundry reading materials, and recreation items. We are committed to the everyday consumer and impulse shopper, with prices capped at $15 per item, so that each item will not cost more money than the price of a movie ticket.
We must not lose sight that our ultimate goal is to drive consumers to the movie theater!
CDs and DVDs will be exclusive to Walmart! We can reserve the right to sell items at our WB Stores, but if this exception increases the price point that Walmart is willing to offer us, then we should concede all the retail to Walmart.
With our high profile ensemble cast, we can open the movie "wide" domestically as well as internationally. As Wonder Woman is already a universally-recognized brand, the need for "shoe leather" publicity is minimal and can be left to the actors' discretion.
As we are filming this movie trilogy simultaneously, we are controlling the production costs. As our emphasis is on acting and not on Computer Generated Images, our post-production expenses will be relatively mild.
As we have already prepared the movie soundtracks, we save millions instead of assembling the music after principle photography is completed.
The Wonder Woman Picture Book: A Beginner's Guide to Being Amazing!; will be a tabloid size 64 page fully illustrated ethno-history of the Amazons. These images will be full page or double-page illustrations with minimal text; essentially "An Inconvenient Amazon" hosted by Wonder Woman for all age groups. Illustrated by Jose Luis Garcia Lopez, embellished by Kevin Nowlan, lettered by Todd Klein, colored by Laura Depuy and edited by Paul Levitz (we gotta keep Levitz in the loop)! Not quite a comic book, not close to a souvenier book, the Wonder Woman Picture Book will prove a unique outreach to fanboys, to movie buffs and to children of all ages!
The 3 year Wonder Woman wall calendar is a unique collectible which will span the release dates of the 3 theatrical movies. This calendar is an excellent way to keep Wonder Woman in the hearts and minds of our enthusiastic audience.
The Wonder Woman CD soundtrack combines the simplicity of the folk singing acoustic duo from There's Something About Mary with the rock'n'roll backbeat which rules the iTunes universe. As the music video galaxy is deader than Michael Jackson, we need to reinvest in the great musical traditions which helped Jackson to become; for a moment in time; the King of Pop. Our Wonder Woman soundtrack nudges the narrative forward without drowning out the actors or stopping the movies' activities cold.
Our Wonder Woman movie catering will be done by Star Waggons, owned and operated by Lyle Waggoner (who played Steve Trevor on TVs Wonder Woman)!
These efforts will immeasurably fortify the success of our Wonder Woman trilogy!
Thank you for your kind attention, Diane Nelson! I am at your service!
And for the rest of you, my friends: be good! Talk to you, soon!

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