Monday, November 16, 2009

Monetize, Lads and Lasses!

Hi Everybody!
I have decided to submit my WOODY: THE HERO OF ZIRCON CITY pages initially to IMAGE COMICS and DARK HORSE COMICS, instead.
I figure since I'm going to put a heck'of'a'lot of effort into making these pages great, I might as well try to get paid, as well.
It is intriguing that many comics publishers are not soliciting original material or accepting submissions.
I was reading some comments by Jim Steranko about his working relationship with Stan Lee back in the 1960s, where Steranko produced some of the most enduring comic pages ever. Stan Lee was resistant to Steranko's innovations but, to this day, Steranko's pages are reproduced as prime examples of comics art; as much as Jack Kirby and Neal Adams. Steranko only produced about 25 comics in his career, compared to the thousands by Kirby and the hundreds by Adams, but Steranko always makes the reprint cut.
WOODY is part of my 4-tiered process to get Brad Product into the mainstream, along with my novel POCAHONTAS: SECRET LIFE, JSA: THE MODERN and, of course, THE WONDER WOMAN PROJECT.
My POCAHONTAS book is about how without Pocahontas, the Democratic Experiment of America might never have taken hold. More on that, later!
The JSA: The Modern essay will review how the recent Justice Society of America relaunch by DC Comics produced the best superhero team up book ever. As an avid comic book collector, it's good to put my critic's hat on now and again. We'll see how that pans out!
Basically, I've been in print, before. Getting paid is the goal, now, bringing value to the marketplace!
I hope to have 6 pages of WOODY done by month's end so I can send them out to IMAGE and DARK HORSE to review. Please with me luck, thank you!
Hope that all is going well with you, out there! Be good!

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